Ok, another comic book ramble. I was reading a Spider-girl comic and there was girl whom turns out to be a mutant. Of course, everybody loves Spidergirl and Spiderman, but you throw in some mutie and WHOA! No way pal! Everyone hates them. It goes back to one of my main beefs with the comic book situations. Once you start meshing them together, they start to contradict and make no sense.
I mean, if you get your powers from a radio-active spider or a radiation from space that's cool. Everyone will love you. But if you're born with a gene that gives you kick ass powers... well then you're just a freak! Is there really that big of a difference? Does it really matter how you got the powers? Not to mention, how can people tell where the abilities come from?
These lines of thinking would be ok and I could except mutants being hated if they would just stay in their own little world. I mean, once you put all the super powered what-nots in one place, it gets a bit fuzzy.
Plus, why does every villain always go for New York? If I were a super villain... I think I'd just stay away from there... go attack Boston or something. It's pretty expensive too, ya know!
On a similar not of not crossing comics: The JLA kind of annoys me too. Some of the people there (I'm not going to name any names... but Batman), well I just don't see why they're really there. Don't get me wrong, I love Batman and Green Arrow but they just don't seem epic enough. Once you get right down to it, they're just normal people with pretty cool abilities but they don't have any real powers! It just seems like they wouldn't really be that useful against Earth shattering invaders bent on the destruction of....well everything! It just seems like any other member of the Justice League could do in a night what Batman does in... always. I mean, I love Batman and I think his villains are the most thought out of them all, but they're mostly like the gangster/mobster type rather than the "If my plans succeed, the world is doomed!" types.
So back to my main point... every comic should just be left alone in my opinion. It's cool to have some mixes every now and then but I think it kind of taints some of the stories in the long run.